Potential Improvements

The following show potential improvements being considered for Garden Street, between Center Street and 5th North Street.

1st North Street to 2nd North Street

The proposed improvements would add curb extensions with rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) at the intersections of 1st North Street and 2nd North Street along Garden Street. The curb extensions and RRFBs will calm vehicle traffic and create shorter crossing distances for pedestrians near the Harman Park baseball fields.

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What is an RRFB?

A rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) is a safety signal that flashes yellow LED lights to alert vehicles that pedestrians are crossing the street. Click here to learn more about RRFBs.

2nd North Street to 5th North Street

The city is considering two preliminary design options between 2nd North St and 5th North St (see below). A final layout will be decided at a future date.

Option A: No Center Median

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Option B: Center Median

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